Studies on the requirements of the power supply system for the resistive-wall-mode control in JT-60SA
Abstract The JT-60SA satellite tokamak will be built in Naka, Japan. One of the main aims of this machine is to achieve steady-state high-beta plasmas. To reach this result, passive stabilizing plate (SP) and resistive wall modes (RWM) active control system based on 18 in-vessel coils will be installed. In the present design, these coils are placed on the plasma side of the SP, behind the first wall. This solution maximizes the efficiency in producing fast magnetic fields into the plasma by minimizing the shielding effect of the passive structures. Then, if the power supply (PS) and the control system have sufficient dynamic performance, it is possible to control the RWM with very low magnetic fields. This allows minimizing the Ampere-turns and the power requested to control the RWM. Conversely, the very fast dynamics required represents one of the main issues for the design of the RWM control system. This paper, after having recalled the main specification data for the RWM control system deriving from the physics studies, describes the analyses performed to complete the set of requirements necessary for the PS design. The characterization of coils and feeders is shown and the voltage necessary to produce the required current and bandwidth is quantified. Possible connections among PS and coils are analyzed in order to achieve the highest possible flexibility in controlling the RWM with a reduced set of independent PS. Finally, considerations on reasonable voltage margins to cope with load uncertainties are given.