An Interactive Information System for e - Culture

This study proposes the design of a web interactive information system for promoting cultures. It is a result of a relevant research on Santiago del Estero's culture and human-computer interaction topics; which began about five years ago. Culture is a hypercomplex phenomenon, that's why it is studied from two different and complementary approaches: Cultural Studies and Systemics. In regard with the methodology, retroprospectivation is used to design the e-culture system. This strategy involves a systemic modelling process evolving from an existed model (ancient Santiago's culture) to an existing model (current Santiago's culture), then to an operating model (interactive model for Santiago's culture) and finally to a meta model. Retroprospectivation allows changing the order of the described evolution. The operating model is useful for the e-culture system analysis and design. It is based both on an interaction model for knowledge management (guiding the analysis) and on the emotional system design (mainly guiding user interface design). The full validation of the operating model is still in process. Once sufficiently validated it -by adapting it to other cultures- the development of the meta model is expected. It would be a cross-culture web application model that contributes to promoting cultural identities for academic, sporting, trade and tourism purposes.