승마 평보와 속보시 기승자세의 운동학적 비교분석

The purpose of the study was to present the quantitative data utilizing in various teaching of horse riding by comparison·analysis of kinematic variables by phases & events of walking and trot used The JE-JU-horse. Participated subjects consisted of 5 horse riding experts and experiment method was based on 3D cinematography(Kwon3D Motion Analysis System). The variables was composed of temporal, linear and angular data. It was considered that ratio of elapsed time of supporting & swing phase during 1 stride was consisted of 59% & 41% and 49% & 51% in walking and trot and was proper portions. Trot continued more lager 2.46 cm range of movement in up-down direction with rising & sitting and significant difference in velocity of right-left & up-down direction and more increased in right-left sway velocity than walking. Trot continued more flexion in elbow, extension in shoulder, flexion in hip, extension in knee and more planter flexion in ankle than walking. Also trot continue more forward, while walking continued backward to vertical live through 1 stride Riding posture.