Thin film solar cells
Within a comparatively short time the research on thin film solar cells has led to photovoltaic conversion efficiencies exceeding 16% which makes this technology a viable candidate for widespread applications. The contribution focusses on major issues of the design and implementation of cells based on Cu-III-Vi2 chalcopyrite absorber thin films. The flexibility of this system leads to a large degree of freedom for the preparation as well as the electronic structure of the cell. Characterization of films and cells is not straightforward and there are still several important aspects that are not yet fully understood. Nevertheless, useful models have been derived for growth mechanisms, surface properties, interface formation, recombination paths and photo current collection using a combination of several independent characterization methods and numerical simulations. The substrate and back contact as well as secondary phases, mainly binary copper chalcogenides and copper poor ternaries, are having a significant influence. Different compounds have been investigated for the buffer layer between absorber and TCO (transparent conductive oxide) front contact. The highest efficiencies have been obtained with absorber band gaps less than 1.4 eV using a (very thin) CdS buffer and a ZnO TCO. The performance of various thin film solar cells will be briefly summarized.
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