ASHRAE Transactions: Technical and symposium papers presented at the 1999 annual meeting in Seattle, Washington of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.; Volume 105, Part 2
These proceedings contain 119 papers covering the following topics: new load calculation methods and data; optimal control of cooling systems; water treatment for the year 2000; advances in thermal and fluid aspects of alternative refrigerants; HVAC systems; accuracy tests for simulation models; performance of air diffusion systems in terms of thermal comfort, IAQ, and energy efficiency; application of new technologies in the design of district heating and cooling; proven strategies for reducing building's energy impact on the environment; residential ventilation and IAQ; advances in evaluating window performance; application of heat and mass balance methods to energy and thermal load performance; lubricant properties--test methods and data update; performance evaluation of window frames and attachments; use of uncertainty analysis in design and performance evaluations; air sampling technologies for air quality monitoring and control; documenting and optimizing the performance of operating thermal storage systems; flammability test methods; and geothermal heat pump systems in commercial buildings--empirical studies and analytical studies. Papers have been processed separately for inclusion on the data base.