A Hazop Risk Assessment On The Persian Gulf Star Gas Condensate Refinery In Bandar Abbas

This research was undertaken to evaluate and determine the risk of gas fluids and leakage of Persian Gulf Star Refinery on the environment in Bandar Abbas.. Through collection and compilation of research findings, we attempted to identify and work on factors leading to environmental risks. The risk factors were identified by HAZOP team and the risk score was calculated by multiplying the probability of intensity using the default PHA-Pro software. The intensity was calculated using Roline Geronsine. An environmental risk assessment is vital in terms of environmental safeties and protection. To determine the distribution of contamination PHAST software was used.. According to the results of the assessment, seven units of the total 17 refinery units turned out to pose major hazards. In total, 28 risks factors were identified, of which 46% (12 risks) attributed to SRP. The fuel-gas unit had the minimum number of risks (1 risk, 4%). The study showed that 75% of the plant’s environmental risks were caused by failure of equipment (OR poor performance of equipment) and the rest caused by human errors. In addition, we found that 24 risk factors (85%) were in grade 3, and the rest were in grade 2.. In HAZOP method, equipment and economic damages caused by unexpected events as well as the environmental damage are not of high priority, just as in the other methods of risk assessment that are based on process safety management. Hence, in this study, applying PHAST software, impacts of pollution on the region environment were identified. According to the results obtained in the Persian Gulf region, it was found that environment could be affected by unexpected events in terms of sensitivity together with PHAST output. Thus, vigorous controls need to be exercised to prevent accidents. .