Illuminating Social Life: Classical and Contemporary Theory Revisited

About the Editor Preface to the Fifth Edition Part I: Classical Sociological Theory Introduction - Peter Kivisto Chapter 1: Working Longer, Living Less: Understanding Marx Through the Workplace Today - John P. Walsh and Anne Zacharias-Walsh Chapter 2: The Weberian Theory of Rationalization and the McDonaldization of Contemporary Society - George Ritzer Chapter 3: Surfing the Net for Community: A Durkheimian Analysis of Electronic Gatherings - Anne M. Hornsby Chapter 4: Alcohol-Related Windows on Simmel's Social World - William J. Staudenmeier, Jr. PART II: Contemporary Theories and Their Connections to the Classics Introduction - Peter Kivisto Chapter 5: Criminalizing Transgressing Youth: A Neofunctionalist Analysis of Institution Building - Paul Colomy and Laura Ross Greiner Chapter 6: Why Do African Americans Pay More for New Cars? A Structural Explanation - Christopher Prendergast Chapter 7: Critical Theory, Legitimation Crisis, and the Deindustrialization of Flint, Michigan - Steven P. Dandaneau Chapter 8: Race-Based Critical Theory and the "Happy Talk" of Diversity in America - Douglas Hartmann and Joyce M. Bell Chapter 9: The Socially Constructed Body: Insights From Feminist Theory - Judith Lorber and Patricia Yancey Martin Chapter 10: Organizing Door-to-Door Sales: A Symbolic Interactionist Analysis - David Schweingruber and Nancy Berns Chapter 11: Goffman's Dramaturgical Sociology: Personal Sales and Service in a Commodified World - Peter Kivisto and Dan Pittman Chapter 12: Contrasts of Carnival: Mardi Gras Between the Modern and the Postmodern - Kevin Fox Gotham Chapter 13: Negotiating the Social Landscape to Create Social Change - Anne F. Eisenberg Chapter 14: Globalization Theory and Religious Fundamentalism - William H. Swatos, Jr. Index