An electronic edition of Don Quixote for humanities scholars

A number of steps are required to create comprehensive, fle xible electronic editions of ancient documents, especially those whose visual quality has degraded and those available in multiple versions. Besides acquisition and display of materials, support is required for in- terrelating variants, and interfaces are needed to allow deriving and justifying new editions. Furthermore, lower-level mechanisms are needed to allow the maintenance of discovered and specified relationships. Although solutions can be found in other applications for handling some portions of the specific steps, still there are challenges to meet the steps' new require- ments and to integrate the individual steps seamlessly. This paper presents an overview of a work-in-progress to create an integrated system for processing printed documents with degrad- ed visual quality and multi-variant contents. Additionally, the implementationof the three mod- ules enabling creation of new editions, providing underlying database support, and customizing hypertext documents for readers are described in detail.