The ultraviolet color gradient in the late-type spiral galaxy M33

The ultraviolet surface brightness and color distributions for the late-type spiral galaxy M33 are derived from images at 1520 and 2490 A that were obtained by the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UIT) on the Astro Spacelab mission. Although the surface brightness shows a general decline with radius, the dominant spiral arms cause significant deviations from an exponential fit. Colors in elliptical annuli become 0.2-0.3 mag bluer with increasing radius. Our measures of individual H II regions and sections of spiral arms follow this same trend. Interarm regions are redder than the arms. A metallicity gradient affecting only the colors of stars is inadequate in accounting for the observed color gradient. A plausible explanation invokes a combination of an LMC-type reddening curve and a radial gradient in the internal reddening in M33.