2D and 3D finite element meshing and remeshing - A bibliography (1990-2001)

Gives a bibliographical review of the finite element meshing and remeshing from the theoretical as well as practical points of view. Topics such as adaptive techniques for meshing and remeshing, parallel processing in the finite element modelling, etc. are also included. The bibliography at the end of this paper contains 1,727 references to papers, conference proceedings and theses/dissertations dealing with presented subjects that were published between 1990 and 2001.

[1]  Mark S. Shephard,et al.  Automated modeling for complex woven mesostructures , 1999 .


[3]  Koji Fujiwara,et al.  3-D adaptive mesh refinement using nonconforming elements , 1993 .

[4]  Graham F. Carey,et al.  Parallel grid generation/optimization using block-domain decomposition , 1992 .

[5]  C. C. Pain,et al.  An automatic adaptive meshing technique for Delaunay triangulations , 1998 .

[6]  A. Jack,et al.  Aspects of three‐dimensional constrained Delaunay meshing , 1994 .

[7]  George J. Tsamasphyros,et al.  Singular shape functions for an automatic mesh generation around singularities , 1990 .

[8]  Andrew P. Kuprat,et al.  Moving Adaptive Unstructured 3-D Meshes in Semiconductor Process Modeling Applications , 1998, VLSI Design.

[9]  L Lämmer,et al.  Parallel generation of triangular and quadrilateral meshes , 2000 .

[10]  Josep Sarrate,et al.  Efficient unstructured quadrilateral mesh generation , 2000 .

[11]  Y. F. Hu,et al.  Numerical Experiences with Partitioning of Unstructured Meshes , 1994, Parallel Comput..

[12]  B. M. Kolundzija Automatic mesh generation using single- and double-node segmentation techniques , 1998 .

[13]  Steven J. Plimpton,et al.  Parallel Algorithms for Dynamically Partitioning Unstructured Grids , 1995, PPSC.

[14]  Bernd Heinemann,et al.  Methods for generating and editing merged isotropic/anisotropic triangular-element meshes , 1999, IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst..

[15]  Ali Kaveh,et al.  An algorithm for partitioning of finite element meshes , 1999 .

[16]  B. Joe Tetrahedral mesh generation in polyhedral regions based on convex polyhedron decompositions , 1994 .

[17]  Weiwei Sun,et al.  Two-dimensional mesh redistribution and solution of singular boundary value problems , 1998 .

[18]  Jarek Rossignac,et al.  Grow & fold: compressing the connectivity of tetrahedral meshes , 2000, Comput. Aided Des..

[19]  Luis Quiroz,et al.  Non-conforming mesh gluing in the finite elements method , 1995 .

[20]  Chongjiang Du,et al.  An algorithm for automatic Delaunay triangulation of arbitrary planar domains , 1996 .


[22]  N. B. Goldstein,et al.  Comparison of four-point adding algorithms for Delaunay-type three dimensional mesh generators , 1991 .

[23]  R. Tribiłło,et al.  Finite element generation in boundary areas in plane problems of theory of elasticity , 1994 .

[24]  Raimund Seidel,et al.  On the difficulty of triangulating three-dimensional Nonconvex Polyhedra , 1992, Discret. Comput. Geom..

[25]  M. Krízek,et al.  On the maximum angle condition for linear tetrahedral elements , 1992 .

[26]  Ángel Plaza,et al.  Efficient refinement/derefinement algorithm of nested meshes to solve evolution problems , 1994 .

[27]  Michael B. Giles,et al.  Renumbering unstructured grids to improve the performance of codes on hierarchical memory machines , 1997 .

[28]  Ari Rappoport,et al.  Computing the Voronoi diagram of a 3-D polyhedron by separate computation of its symbolic and geometric parts , 1999, SMA '99.

[29]  Han-Wei Shen,et al.  Sweeping simplices: a fast iso-surface extraction algorithm for unstructured grids , 1995, Proceedings Visualization '95.

[30]  Cecil Armstrong,et al.  Finite-element mesh control by integer programming , 1993 .

[31]  F. V. Prudente,et al.  Optimized mesh for the finite-element method using a quantum-mechanical procedure , 1999 .

[32]  Kohei Yuge,et al.  Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis by Progressive Mesh Refinement , 1993 .

[33]  Frédéric Hecht,et al.  MESH GRADATION CONTROL , 1998 .

[34]  Cecil Armstrong,et al.  Smoothing by optimisation for a quadrilateral mesh with invalid elements , 2000 .

[35]  Mark S. Shephard,et al.  Towards Realistic Automated 3D Modelling of Metal Forming Problems , 1999, Engineering with Computers.

[36]  I. St. Doltsinis,et al.  Generation and decomposition of finite element models for parallel computations , 1991 .

[37]  M. Shephard,et al.  A combined octree/delaunay method for fully automatic 3‐D mesh generation , 1990 .

[38]  Rainald Löhner,et al.  Adaptive h‐refinement on 3D unstructured grids for transient problems , 1992 .

[39]  R. Lewis,et al.  Three-dimensional unstructured mesh generation: Part 3. Volume meshes , 1996 .

[40]  Andrzej J. Nowak,et al.  Identification of the boundary surfaces in 3D finite element codes , 1992 .

[41]  Alla Sheffer,et al.  Hexahedral meshing of non-linear volumes using Voronoi faces and edges , 2000 .

[42]  H. Borouchaki,et al.  Fast Delaunay triangulation in three dimensions , 1995 .

[43]  Nickolas S. Sapidis,et al.  Domain Delaunay tetrahedrization of solid models , 1991, Int. J. Comput. Geom. Appl..

[44]  C. S. Krishnamoorthy,et al.  Meshing by successive superelement decomposition (MSD)—a new approach to quadrilateral mesh generation , 1995 .

[45]  David Eppstein,et al.  Parallel Construction of Quadtrees and Quality Triangulations , 1993, Int. J. Comput. Geom. Appl..

[46]  E. Hinton,et al.  Computational modelling of 3D objects by using fitting techniques and subsequent mesh generation , 2000 .

[47]  M. Rashid The arbitrary local mesh replacement method: An alternative to remeshing for crack propagation analysis , 1998 .

[48]  Harold Liebowitz,et al.  Smart computational fracture of materials and structures , 1995 .

[49]  Harold Liebowitz,et al.  Hierarchical mesh adaptation of 2D quadrilateral elements , 1995 .

[50]  S. Canann,et al.  Optismoothing: an optimization-driven approach to mesh smoothing , 1993 .

[51]  K. Lee,et al.  Tetrahedron-based octree encoding for automatic mesh generation , 1993, Comput. Aided Des..

[52]  David Ellis Barker An object-oriented hierarchical paradigm for integrated parametric design and automated two-dimensional quadrilateral mesh generation , 1993 .

[53]  B. Heinrich,et al.  Mesh refinement and windowing near edges for some elliptic problem , 1994 .

[54]  元基 矢川,et al.  あいまい知識処理手法と計算幾何学に基づく大規模自動要素分割法 : 二次元平面,三次元ソリッドおよび三次元シェルへの応用 , 1992 .

[55]  P Dabnichki,et al.  Program for generation of three-dimensional finite element mesh from magnetic resonance imaging scans of human limbs. , 1997, Medical engineering & physics.

[56]  J. S. Park,et al.  Automatic remeshing in finite element simulation of metal forming processes by guide grid method , 1991 .

[57]  Gwun-Jin Lin Adaptive remeshing methods for finite element simulation of composite material processing. , 1994 .

[58]  Nils-Erik Wiberg,et al.  Spatial mesh adaptation in semidiscrete finite element analysis of linear elastodynamic problems , 1992 .

[59]  Andrzej J. Nowak,et al.  Identification of the boundary curves in 2D finite elements codes , 1991 .

[60]  Avelino Samartín,et al.  Two-dimensional mesh optimization in the finite element method , 1991 .

[61]  Somnath Ghosh,et al.  A two-dimensional automatic mesh generator for finite element analysis for random composites , 1991 .

[62]  Rainald Löhner,et al.  Surface triangulation over intersecting geometries , 1999 .

[63]  J. Penman,et al.  Assuring conformity in three dimensional self adaptive mesh generation for the finite element method (EM problems) , 1994 .

[64]  Kunio Hayakawa,et al.  Mesh Dependence and Stress Singularity in Local Approach to Creep-Crack Growth Analysis. , 1993 .

[65]  Chi King Lee,et al.  Generation of quadrilateral mesh over analytical curved surfaces , 1997 .

[66]  David B. Davidson,et al.  Adaptive-mesh refinement of finite-element solutions for two-dimensional electromagnetic problems , 1996 .

[67]  Pierre Montmitonnet,et al.  Test of an element suitable for fully automatic remeshing in 3D elastoplastic simulation of cold forging , 1994 .

[68]  S. Alfonzetti Finite-element mesh adaptation of 2-D time-harmonic skin effect problems , 2000 .

[69]  Prabir Kumar Basudhar,et al.  A note on the effect of mesh pattern on the lower-bound bearing capacity of embedded strip footings , 1993 .

[70]  Akira Tezuka 2D Mesh Generation Scheme for Adaptive Remeshing Process in FEM. , 1994 .


[72]  Paulo A.F. Martins,et al.  A metal‐forming approach to automatic generation of graded initial quadrilateral finite element meshes , 1998 .

[73]  G. C. Onwubolu Finite element mesh generation of arbitrary solid objects in CAD , 1991 .

[74]  Denis Vanderstraeten,et al.  Optimized partitioning of unstructured finite element meshes , 1995 .

[75]  Alla Sheffer,et al.  Hexahedral Mesh Generation using the Embedded Voronoi Graph , 1999, Engineering with Computers.

[76]  Ashok D. Belegundu,et al.  Mesh distortion control in shape optimization , 1992 .

[77]  Peter Hansbo,et al.  On advancing front mesh generation in three dimensions , 1995 .

[78]  M. Price,et al.  Hexahedral Mesh Generation by Medial Surface Subdivision: Part II. Solids with Flat and Concave Edges , 1997 .


[80]  Alain Rassineux Maillage automatique tridimensionnel par une méthode frontale pour la méthode des éléments finis , 1995 .

[81]  Jean-Christophe Cuillière,et al.  3D automatic remeshing applied to model modification , 2000, Comput. Aided Des..

[82]  S. N. Muthukrishnan,et al.  Refinement of 3D meshes at surface intersections , 1995, Comput. Aided Des..


[84]  Roy D. Williams,et al.  Performance of dynamic load balancing algorithms for unstructured mesh calculations , 1991, Concurr. Pract. Exp..

[85]  Mark S. Shephard,et al.  Parallel unstructured distributed three-dimensional mesh generation , 1998 .

[86]  Y. C. Hon,et al.  An algorithm of finite element grid generation for three-dimensional complex connected domain , 1993 .

[87]  Les A. Piegl,et al.  Cross-Sectional Design with Boundary Constraints , 1999, Engineering with Computers.

[88]  R. E. Hobbs,et al.  Automatic adaptive finite element mesh generation over arbitrary two-dimensional domain using advancing front technique , 1999 .

[89]  A. Zucchini A parallel preconditioned conjugate gradient solution method for finite element problems with coarse–fine mesh formulation , 2000 .

[90]  Genki Yagawa,et al.  FEM Postprocessor with Mesh-Independent Processing Speed. , 1995 .

[91]  Ali Kaveh,et al.  Spectral bisection of adaptive finite element meshes for parallel processing , 1999 .

[92]  G. H. Wang,et al.  Node—based dynamic adaptive grid with quadrilateral and hexahedral elements , 1999 .

[93]  A. Kolms On automatic generation of quadrilateral surface meshes , 1996 .

[94]  Charbel Farhat,et al.  A retrofit based methodology for the fast generation and optimization of large-scale mesh partitions: Beyond the minimum interface size criterion , 1996 .

[95]  Barry Joe Construction of K-Dimensional Delaunay Triangulations Using Local Transformations , 1993, SIAM J. Sci. Comput..

[96]  Michael B. Dillencourt,et al.  A Simple Method for Resolving Degeneracies in Delaunay Triangulations , 1993, ICALP.

[97]  Mark T. Jones,et al.  Computational Results for Parallel Unstructured Mesh Computations , 1994 .

[98]  Masahiro Suzuki Surface grid generation based on unstructured grids , 1991 .

[99]  Tiow-Seng Tan Optimal triangulation problems , 1996 .

[100]  Mark S. Shephard,et al.  Automatic Mesh Generator for Use in Two‐Dimensional h‐p Analysis , 1990 .

[101]  M. A. Crisfield,et al.  Coarse/fine mesh preconditioners for the iterative solution of finite element problems , 1995 .

[102]  T. Beck Real-space mesh techniques in density-functional theory , 2000, cond-mat/0006239.

[103]  Bruno Lévy,et al.  Non-distorted texture mapping for sheared triangulated meshes , 1998, SIGGRAPH.

[104]  Kenji Miyata,et al.  Air-gap remeshing technique for rotating machines in 3D finite element modeling , 2000 .

[105]  Christopher R. Johnson,et al.  Nonuniform spatial mesh adaptation using a posteriori error estimates: applications to forward and inverse problems , 1994 .

[106]  Ralf Diekmann,et al.  Shape-optimized mesh partitioning and load balancing for parallel adaptive FEM , 2000, Parallel Comput..

[107]  Ali Kaveh,et al.  Comparative study of finite element nodal ordering methods , 1998 .

[108]  R. Dutton,et al.  Delaunay triangulation and 3D adaptive mesh generation , 1997 .

[109]  William H. Frey,et al.  Mesh relaxation: A new technique for improving triangulations , 1991 .

[110]  S. Pirzadeh A Solution-Adaptive Unstructured Grid Method by Grid Subdivision and Local Remeshing , 2000 .

[111]  Charbel Farhat,et al.  Mesh partitioning algorithms for the parallel solution of partial differential equations , 1993 .

[112]  Les A. Piegl,et al.  Delaunay triangulation in three dimensions , 1995, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications.

[113]  Joseph S. B. Mitchell,et al.  Fast Polyhedral Cell Sorting for Interactive Rendering of Unstructured Grids , 1998, Comput. Graph. Forum.

[114]  Steven E. Benzley,et al.  Pre- and post-processing for the finite element method , 1995 .

[115]  R. Bruce Simpson,et al.  A data modeling abstraction for describing triangular mesh algorithms , 1997 .

[116]  D. C. Ross EM Programmer's Notebook-some finite-element preprocessing algorithms for electromagnetic scattering , 1993 .

[117]  Thomas Apel,et al.  Comparison of several mesh refinement strategies near edges , 1996 .

[118]  J. P. Hennart A finite element approach to point- and mesh-centered finite difference schemes over rectangular grids , 1992 .

[119]  A. B. Ekoule,et al.  A triangulation algorithm from arbitrary shaped multiple planar contours , 1991, TOGS.

[120]  Robert L. Meakin Adaptive spatial partitioning and refinement for overset structured grids , 2000 .

[121]  Hugues de Cougny,et al.  Parallel Unstructured Grid Generation , 1998 .

[122]  Rainald Löhner,et al.  An unstructured grid-based, parallel free surface solver , 1997 .

[123]  Steven Warren Hammond,et al.  Mapping unstructured grid computations to massively parallel computers , 1992 .


[125]  Genki Yagawa,et al.  An automatic mesh generation system based on fuzzy knowledge processing. , 1990 .

[126]  William H. Frey,et al.  Structural improvement of planar triangulations: Some constraints and practical issues , 1995 .

[127]  Gerhard Globisch PARMESH - A Parallel Mesh Generator , 1995, Parallel Comput..

[128]  Bernard Chazelle,et al.  Bounds on the size of tetrahedralizations , 1994, SCG '94.

[129]  Michael S. Floater,et al.  Linear Independence and Stability of Piecewise Linear Prewavelets on Arbitrary Triangulations , 2000, SIAM J. Numer. Anal..

[130]  C.R.E. de Oliveira,et al.  Tetrahedral mesh optimisation and adaptivity for steady-state and transient finite element calculations , 2001 .

[131]  Barry Hilary Valentine Topping,et al.  Parallel and distributed adaptive quadrilateral mesh generation , 1999 .

[132]  M. Saxena,et al.  Parallel fem algorithms based on recursive spatial decomposition—I. Automatic mesh generation , 1992 .

[133]  E. Amezua,et al.  A method for the improvement of 3D solid finite-element meshes , 1995 .

[134]  Takashi Maekawa,et al.  Design and Tessellation of B-Spline Developable Surfaces , 1998 .

[135]  N. Sapidis,et al.  Combining recursive spatial decompositions and domain Delaunay tetrahedrizations for meshing arbitrarily shaped curved solid models , 1993 .

[136]  Frédéric Noël,et al.  A data structure dedicated to an integrated free-form surface meshing environment , 1995 .

[137]  David Eppstein,et al.  Provably Good Mesh Generation , 1994, J. Comput. Syst. Sci..

[138]  Barry Hilary Valentine Topping,et al.  Parallel training of neural networks for finite element mesh decomposition , 1997 .

[139]  Anne Habraken,et al.  An automatic remeshing processor , 1990 .

[140]  David R. Owen,et al.  Transfer operators for evolving meshes in small strain elasto-placticity , 1996 .

[141]  Jung-Ho Cheng,et al.  Adaptive grid optimization for structural analysis—Geometry-based approach , 1993 .

[142]  S. H. Lo,et al.  3D mesh refinement in compliance with a specified node spacing function , 1998 .

[143]  Gary L. Miller,et al.  Optimal Coarsening of Unstructured Meshes , 1999, J. Algorithms.

[144]  M. A. Sabin,et al.  Algorithms for numbering the nodes of finite-element meshes , 1991 .

[145]  Can Ozturan Distributed environment and load balancing for adaptive unstructured meshes , 1996 .

[146]  R. E. Hobbs,et al.  Automatic Adaptive Finite Element Mesh Generation Over Rational B-spline Surfaces , 1998 .



[149]  Imtiaz Haque,et al.  A knowledge-based system for generation and control of finite-element meshes in forging simulation , 1992, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance.

[150]  K. Haghighi,et al.  An efficient data structure for the advancing‐front triangular mesh generation technique , 1995 .

[151]  Damian J. Sheehy,et al.  Shape Description By Medial Surface Construction , 1996, IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph..

[152]  D. Rodger,et al.  Coupling meshes in 3D problems involving movements , 1992 .

[153]  Edward J. Coyle,et al.  Tetrahedral meshes from planar cross-sections , 1999 .

[154]  Graham F. Carey,et al.  Locally constrained projections on grids , 2001 .

[155]  Joe F. Thompson,et al.  Aspects of numerical grid generation - Current science and art , 1993 .

[156]  J. Sullivan,et al.  Fully automatic two dimensional mesh generation using normal offsetting , 1992 .

[157]  J.-P. Pelle,et al.  Automatic adaptive meshing for a prescribed accuracy in 2D elasticity , 1995 .

[158]  Harold Liebowitz Knowledge-based modeling of fracture of materials and structures , 1995 .

[159]  Nicholas M. Patrikalakis,et al.  Differential and Topological Properties of Medial Axis Transforms , 1996, CVGIP Graph. Model. Image Process..

[160]  Theodoros D. Tsiboukis,et al.  Efficient mode analysis with edge elements and 3-D adaptive refinement , 1994 .

[161]  Edward C. Ting,et al.  A Regional Mapping Procedure for Finite Element Mesh Design , 1991 .

[162]  Man-Soo Joun,et al.  General approach to automatic generation of quadrilaterals on three‐dimensional surfaces , 1998 .

[163]  Peter K. Jimack An optimal finite element mesh for elastostatic structural analysis problems , 1997 .

[164]  Mikhail N. Mikhail Automatic grid generation for finite element models using the finite element package , 1990 .

[165]  Eric Boix Approximation linéaire des surfaces de R3 et applications , 1995 .

[166]  Hong Qin,et al.  Triangular NURBS and their dynamic generalizations , 1997, Comput. Aided Geom. Des..

[167]  Hideo Yamashita,et al.  An automatic finite element generation method for three-dimensional magnetic or electric field analysis , 1989 .

[168]  Barry Joe,et al.  Delaunay versus max‐min solid angle triangulations for three‐dimensional mesh generation , 1991 .

[169]  Roy A. Walters,et al.  Geometrically based, automatic generator for irregular triangular networks , 1993 .

[170]  Rolf Bünten,et al.  Automatic generation of hexahedral finite element meshes , 1995, Comput. Aided Geom. Des..

[171]  L. Remondini,et al.  Automated generation of FEA models through idealization operators , 2000 .


[173]  Nitin V. Hattangady,et al.  Coarsening of mesh models for representation of rigid objects in finite element analysis , 1999 .

[174]  Theodoros D. Tsiboukis,et al.  Automatic finite element analysis: Application to the shielding by a spherical shell , 1994 .

[175]  Kent L. Lawrence,et al.  Simple algorithm for adaptive refinement of three-dimensional finite element tetrahedral meshes , 1995 .


[177]  Jian Chen,et al.  ParaPART: parallel mesh partitioning tool for distributed systems , 2000 .

[178]  N. V. Hattangady,et al.  A fast, topology manipulation algorithm for compaction of mesh/faceted models , 1998, Comput. Aided Des..

[179]  Gregory W. Brown,et al.  Mesh partitioning for implicit computations via iterative domain decomposition: Impact and optimization of the subdomain aspect ratio , 1995 .

[180]  Chih-Yang Wu,et al.  Integral Equation Solutions for Transient Radiative Transfer in Nonhomogeneous Anisotropically Scattering Media , 2000 .

[181]  N. Weatherill,et al.  Efficient three‐dimensional Delaunay triangulation with automatic point creation and imposed boundary constraints , 1994 .

[182]  Scott A. Mitchell The All-Hex Geode-Template for Conforming a Diced Tetrahedral Mesh to any Diced Hexahedral Mesh , 1999, Engineering with Computers.

[183]  Sergey Korotov,et al.  Weakened acute type condition for tetrahedral triangulations and the discrete maximum principle , 2001, Math. Comput..

[184]  Richard A. Miller,et al.  Amg: automated mesh generation for forming simulation , 1990 .

[185]  Nickolas S. Sapidis,et al.  Domain Delaunay Tetrahedrization of arbitrarily shaped curved polyhedra defined in a solid modeling system , 1991, SMA '91.

[186]  Reinhard Harte,et al.  On adaptive remeshing techniques for crack simulation problems , 1998 .

[187]  V. Parthasarathy,et al.  A constrained optimization approach to finite element mesh smoothing , 1991 .

[188]  Manabu Gotoh,et al.  Automatic remeshing of 2D quadrilateral elements and its application to continuous deformation simulation: part I. remeshing algorithm , 1999 .

[189]  Xiang-Yang Li,et al.  Dynamic Load Balancing for Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement , 1998, IRREGULAR.

[190]  Fa Fernandez,et al.  A simple adaptive mesh generator for 2-D finite element calculations (optical waveguide theory) , 1993 .

[191]  Hanan Samet,et al.  Navigating through triangle meshes implemented as linear quadtrees , 2000, TOGS.

[192]  Pramote Dechaumphai Evaluation of an adaptive unstructured remeshing technique for integrated fluid-thermal-structural analysis , 1991 .

[193]  Frédéric Noël Adaptation of CAD surface meshes to a map of sizes through the IGATOMM concept , 2000 .

[194]  Kenji Shimada,et al.  Physically-based mesh generation: automated triangulation of surfaces and volumes via bubble packing , 1993 .

[195]  Soo Won Chae,et al.  Volume triangulation from planar cross sections , 1999 .

[196]  S. McFee,et al.  Determining an approximate finite element mesh density using neural network techniques , 1992 .

[197]  T. S. Keller,et al.  Automatic volume mesh generation applied to trabecular bone , 1999, Proceedings of the IEEE 25th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference (Cat. No. 99CH36355).

[198]  T.D. Tsiboukis,et al.  Adaptive Refinement Strategies in Three Dimensions , 1992, Digest of the Fifth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation.

[199]  Yoshinori Saito,et al.  Adaptive mesh generation for two‐dimensional AC magnetic field analysis by finite‐element method , 1991 .

[200]  W. Fichtner,et al.  Boundary-sensitive mesh generation using an offsetting technique , 2000 .

[201]  Kunibert G. Siebert,et al.  Abstract data structures for a finite element package.: Design principles of ALBERT , 1999 .

[202]  Karen Dragon Devine,et al.  Parallel adaptive hp -refinement techniques for conservation laws , 1996 .

[203]  Werner Scholz,et al.  Mesh refinement in FE-micromagnetics for multi-domain Nd2Fe14B particles , 1999 .

[204]  David Eppstein,et al.  MESH GENERATION AND OPTIMAL TRIANGULATION , 1992 .

[205]  Larry L. Schumaker,et al.  Triangulations in CAGD , 1993, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications.

[206]  Michal K ek,et al.  Nonobtuse tetrahedral partitions , 2000 .

[207]  Graham F. Carey,et al.  Mesh generation/refinement using fractal concepts and iterated function systems , 1992 .

[208]  J.L.M. Fernandes,et al.  On finite element mesh reconstruction from nodal coordinates , 1993 .

[209]  S. Rebay Efficient Unstructured Mesh Generation by Means of Delaunay Triangulation and Bowyer-Watson Algorithm , 1993 .

[210]  K.R. Shao,et al.  A New Approacu to Automatic Quadrilateral Mesh Generation , 1992, Digest of the Fifth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation.

[211]  Z. J. Luo,et al.  The algorithm of automatic local mesh subdivision and its application to finite-element analysis of a large deformation forming process , 1998 .

[212]  R. B. Simpson,et al.  A framework for advancing front techniques of finite element mesh generation , 1995 .

[213]  V. V. S. Raveendra,et al.  Robust boundary triangulation and delaunay triangulation of arbitrary planar domains , 1994 .

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[216]  C. J. Saltiel,et al.  Adaptive grid generation for the calculation of radiative configuration factors , 1993 .

[217]  Noboru Kikuchi,et al.  Application of Adaptive Remeshing Method to Simulation of Material Forming Processes , 1991 .

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[219]  Dong-Yol Yang,et al.  Finite element analysis of large deformation by automatic renoding as a weak remeshing technique , 1992 .

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[225]  Barry Hilary Valentine Topping,et al.  An enhanced parallel sub-domain generation method for mesh partitioning in parallel finite element analysis , 2000 .

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[227]  Michel Chipot,et al.  Finite differences on triangular grids , 1998 .

[228]  Thomas J. R. Hughes,et al.  Scalability of finite element applications on distributed-memory parallel computers , 1994 .

[229]  Frithjof Kruggel,et al.  A fast algorithm for generating large tetrahedral 3D finite element meshes from magnetic resonance tomograms , 1998, Proceedings. Workshop on Biomedical Image Analysis (Cat. No.98EX162).

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[231]  N. Golias,et al.  An approach to refining three‐dimensional tetrahedral meshes based on Delaunay transformations , 1994 .

[232]  Bernard Amadei,et al.  A new method for finite element transitional mesh generation , 1991 .

[233]  Roland W. Lewis,et al.  Interactive specification of three-dimensional multiblock topologies , 1993 .

[234]  Pierre Ladevèze,et al.  Mesh optimization for problems with steep gradients , 1994 .

[235]  P. George,et al.  Automatic mesh generator with specified boundary , 1991 .

[236]  S. Lalitha,et al.  Development of software on finite element mesh generation (MESHGEN) for metallurgical applications , 1990 .

[237]  J. Zhu,et al.  An automated process for 3D hexahedral mesh regeneration in metal forming , 1999 .

[238]  Chi King Lee,et al.  A full 3D finite element analysis using adaptive refinement and PCG solver with back interpolation , 1999 .

[239]  Erwin Stein,et al.  Mesh adaptations for linear 2D finite-element discretizations in structural mechanics, especially in thin shell analysis , 1991 .

[240]  N. V. Banichuk,et al.  Mesh refinement for shape optimization , 1995 .

[241]  K. Deljouie-Rakhshandeh,et al.  An approach to the generation of triangular grids possessing few obtuse triangles , 1990 .

[242]  Dong-Yol Yang,et al.  Application of an adaptive grid refinement technique to three-dimensional finite element analysis of the filling stage in the die-casting process , 2001 .

[243]  Jens Hugger Recovery of the optimal mesh density function and near‐optimal meshes with rectangular elements in the mapped domain , 1995 .

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