Mechanisms of pattern formation in development and evolution

We present a classification of developmental mechanisms that have been shown experimentally to generate pattern and form in metazoan organisms. We propose that all such mechanisms can be organized into three basic categories and that two of these may act as composite mechanisms in two different ways. The simple categories are cell autonomous mechanisms in which cells enter into specific arrangements (`patterns') without interacting, inductive mechanisms in which cell communication leads to changes in pattern by reciprocal or hierarchical alteration of cell phenotypes (`states') and morphogenetic mechanisms in which pattern changes by means of cell interactions that do not change cell states. The latter two types of mechanism can be combined either morphostatically, in which case inductive mechanisms act first, followed by the morphogenetic mechanism, or morphodynamically, in which case both types of mechanisms interact continuously to modify each other's dynamics. We propose that this previously unexplored distinction in the operation of composite developmental mechanisms provides insight into the dynamics of many developmental processes. In particular, morphostatic and morphodynamic mechanisms respond to small changes in their genetic and microenvironmental components in dramatically different ways. We suggest that these differences in `variational properties' lead to morphostatic and morphodynamic mechanisms being represented to different extents in early and late stages of development and to their contributing in distinct ways to morphological transitions in evolution.

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