Gamification Support for Learning in Spatial Computing Environments

With the rise of mixed reality hardware and software, new opportunities in formal higher education arise, e.g. in anatomy, as the usage of 3D structures instead of 2D images or anatomical models supports a better understanding and enhances the learning process. But even with access to virtual 3D models, motivation is a key element for successful learning and for progressing over a longer period of time. Mixed reality spaces offer new opportunities for combining a 3D stereoscopic depth perception of anatomic models together with gamification and interactive learning. Virtual 3D models can be enhanced with additional information which can name and explain separate elements. Therefore, we developed GaMR, a gamified framework for learning in mixed reality, where 3D models can be experienced on the Microsoft HoloLens and the HTC Vive. Quiz creation is supported by placing annotations on the model. Progress is rewarded by badges. The gamification strategy guides the student and gives feedback about the learning progress. This open source gamification framework for mixed reality was evaluated with students and doctors from a medical university. It showed that it can be employed in many academic and industrial use cases.

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