. A game theoretic model of the relationship between an information evaluator and a decision maker is formulated, and interdependence analysis is employed to decompose the game into several components. Each of these components represents one aspect of the interdependence relationship experienced by the information evaluator and decision maker. The analysis is then employed to distinguish among game forms.
Resume. Un modele de la theorie des jeux etablissant une relation entre un evaluateur d'informations et un decideur est propose, et l'analyse d'interdependance est utilisee afin de decomposer le jeu en plusieurs parties. Chacune de ces composantes represente une facette de la relation d'interdependance vecue par l‘evaluateur d'informations et le decideur. Par la suite, l'analyse sert a etablir une distinction parmi les “formes de jeu”.
B. Fischhoff,et al.
Behavioral Decision Theory
J. March.
Bounded rationality, ambiguity, and the engineering of choice
Wyer,et al.
Prediction of behavior in two-person games
K. V. Wilson,et al.
Forms of social control in two-person, two-choice games.
Behavioral science.
R. Selten.
Reexamination of the perfectness concept for equilibrium points in extensive games
Classics in Game Theory.
Gary L. Sundem.
A Game Theory Model of the Information Evaluator and the Decision Maker