高麗 毅宗代 宦官勢力에 관한 考察

Most of the eunuches were from the lowest class or the slave during the form al period of Koryo dynasty, whose job were just limited to the miscellaneous work in the royal court. Also, they were not treated fairly and their public post were restricted by ‘Nambanchilpum(南班7品)’ Nevertheless, the eunuches could gain more influence starting to manage the royal treasury during the reign of ‘Yejong(睿宗)’, the 16th King. Royal authority had been weakened until the beginning of the reign of the King ‘Euijong(毅宗)’, which was partially due to the rough throne succession. That was why the King ‘Euijong(毅宗)’ tried to look for a way out by giving power to the eunuches. It was hard for the eunuches to get stablized influence by the 6th year of ‘Euijong(毅宗)’"s reign as ‘Daegan(臺諫)’ were opposed to giving more authority to the eunuches. The circumstance becam e still when one of the eunuch suicided and ‘Euijong(毅宗)’ reached a com promise with ‘Daegan (臺諫)’. However, the incident that an officer of royal secret inspectors striped off an eunch"s formal uniform 4 years later became the turning point, and then ‘Euijong(毅宗)’ and the eunches started to gain more power. In the 12th year of ‘Euijong(毅宗)’s reign, ‘Jungham(鄭?)’ was appointed ‘Gwunjihabm unjihu(權知閤門祗候)’ and it proved the balance had been inclined. In exchange for being committed to strengthen royal authority, eunuches gained special favor of the King since the occasion. For example, ‘Euijong (毅宗)’ entrusted eunuches with supervising ‘byeolgunggongnab(別宮貢納)’. It seem s that the special favor was often abused and became one of the main triggers of ‘Musinran(武臣亂)’. It means ‘Euijong(毅宗)’"s effort to defense his sovereign power with eunuches is deeply related with the Rebellion(武臣亂), and the King ‘Euijong(毅宗)’ and his eunuches shared their joys and sorrows.