Lectures on discrete geometry

From the Publisher: Discrete geometry investigates combinatorial properties of configurations of geometric objects. To a working mathematician or computer scientist, it offers sophisticated results and techniques of great diversity and it is a foundation for fields such as computational geometry or combinatorial optimization. This book is primarily a textbook introduction to various areas of discrete geometry. In each area, it explains several key results and methods, in an accessible and concrete manner. It also contains more advanced material in separate sections and thus it can serve as a collection of surveys in several narrower subfields. The main topics include: basics on convex sets, convex polytopes, and hyperplane arrangements; combinatorial complexity of geometric configurations; intersection patterns and transversals of convex sets; geometric Ramsey-type results; polyhedral combinatorics and high-dimensional convexity; and lastly, embeddings of finite metric spaces into normed spaces. Jiri Matousek is Professor of Computer Science at Charles University in Prague. His research has contributed to several of the considered areas and to their algorithmic applications. This is his third book.

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[26]  Richard Pollack,et al.  Upper bounds for configurations and polytopes inRd , 1986, Discret. Comput. Geom..

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[36]  Peter W. Shor,et al.  Stretchability of Pseudolines is NP-Hard , 1990, Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics.

[37]  Bernard Chazelle,et al.  A deterministic view of random sampling and its use in geometry , 1990, Comb..

[38]  David Eppstein,et al.  Horizon Theorems for Lines and Polygons , 1990, Discrete and Computational Geometry.

[39]  Leonidas J. Guibas,et al.  Combinatorial complexity bounds for arrangements of curves and spheres , 1990, Discret. Comput. Geom..

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[46]  Raimund Seidel,et al.  Small-dimensional linear programming and convex hulls made easy , 1991, Discret. Comput. Geom..

[47]  Leonidas J. Guibas,et al.  Computing a face in an arrangement of line segments , 1991, SODA '91.

[48]  P. Orlik,et al.  Arrangements Of Hyperplanes , 1992 .

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[51]  Micha Sharir,et al.  On the zone of a surface in a hyperplane arrangement , 1993, Discret. Comput. Geom..

[52]  Bernard Chazelle,et al.  Cutting hyperplanes for divide-and-conquer , 1993, Discret. Comput. Geom..

[53]  R. Pollack,et al.  On the number of cells defined by a set of polynomials , 1993 .

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[55]  Micha Sharir,et al.  On the Zone Theorem for Hyperplane Arrangements , 1991, SIAM J. Comput..

[56]  Bernard Chazelle,et al.  An optimal convex hull algorithm in any fixed dimension , 1993, Discret. Comput. Geom..

[57]  M. Sharir,et al.  On the sum of squares of cell complexities in hyperplane arrangements , 1994 .

[58]  Asish Mukhopadhyay,et al.  Computing a centerpoint of a finite planar set of points in linear time , 1994, Discret. Comput. Geom..

[59]  G. Ziegler Lectures on Polytopes , 1994 .

[60]  Ketan Mulmuley,et al.  Computational geometry : an introduction through randomized algorithms , 1993 .

[61]  R. Pollack,et al.  Arrangements and Topological Planes , 1994 .

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[66]  Jürgen Richter-Gebert Realization Spaces of Polytopes , 1996 .

[67]  J. Matousek,et al.  On the distortion required for embedding finite metric spaces into normed spaces , 1996 .

[68]  Joseph O'Rourke,et al.  Handbook of Discrete and Computational Geometry, Second Edition , 1997 .

[69]  Raimund Seidel,et al.  How Good Are Convex Hull Algorithms? , 1997, Comput. Geom..

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[71]  Stefan Felsner On the Number of Arrangements of Pseudolines , 1997, Discret. Comput. Geom..

[72]  Jean-Paul Laumond,et al.  Algorithms for Robotic Motion and Manipulation , 1997 .

[73]  David A. Cox,et al.  Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms , 1997 .

[74]  Mark de Berg,et al.  Computational geometry: algorithms and applications , 1997 .

[75]  Jirí Matousek,et al.  Computing Many Faces in Arrangements of Lines and Segments , 1998, SIAM J. Comput..

[76]  Bernard Chazelle,et al.  The Discrepancy Method , 1998, ISAAC.

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[78]  Bernard Chazelle,et al.  Product range spaces, sensitive sampling, and derandomization , 1993, Proceedings of 1993 IEEE 34th Annual Foundations of Computer Science.

[79]  Michael Joswig,et al.  polymake: a Framework for Analyzing Convex Polytopes , 2000 .

[80]  Timothy M. Chan Random Sampling, Halfspace Range Reporting, and Construction of (<= k)-Levels in Three Dimensions , 2000, SIAM J. Comput..

[81]  Micha Sharir,et al.  Arrangements and Their Applications , 2000, Handbook of Computational Geometry.

[82]  G. Ziegler,et al.  Polytopes : combinatorics and computation , 2000 .

[83]  J. Sack,et al.  Handbook of computational geometry , 2000 .

[84]  Micha Sharir,et al.  The Clarkson-Shor technique revisited and extended , 2001, SCG '01.

[85]  Emo Welzl,et al.  Entering and leaving j-facets , 2001, Discret. Comput. Geom..

[86]  Vladlen Koltun,et al.  Almost tight upper bounds for vertical decompositions in four dimensions , 2001, Proceedings 2001 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing.

[87]  Murali K. Ganapathy,et al.  On the number of zero-patterns of a sequence of polynomials , 2001 .

[88]  Boris Aronov,et al.  A lower bound on Voronoi diagram complexity , 2002, Inf. Process. Lett..

[89]  Marc E. Pfetsch,et al.  Computing the face lattice of a polytope from its vertex-facet incidences , 2002, Comput. Geom..

[90]  G. Ziegler,et al.  Fat 4-polytopes and fatter 3-spheres , 2002, math/0204007.

[91]  Timothy M. Chan On Levels in Arrangements of Curves , 2003, Discret. Comput. Geom..

[92]  S. Basu,et al.  Algorithms in real algebraic geometry , 2003 .

[93]  Jacob E. Goodman Pseudoline Arrangements , 2004, Handbook of Discrete and Computational Geometry, 2nd Ed..