Parents Attitude Towards Imparting Sex Education to Their Adolescent Girls

Abstract To study the Attitude of Parents of Adolescents towards imparting Sex Education the present study was undertaken.The sample of the study consists of 200 parents (100 urban and 100 rural areas of Jammu) of adolescent girls. A randomsampling technique was used to select the sample. Interview Schedule was used to collect the data. Results of the studyrevealed that these mothers were reluctant to talk about sex education to their daughter as they found it embarrassing todiscuss these issues. Generally, they avoid any mention to sex in their day-to-day relationships with their children. Also sexis still considered as a taboo subject in our Indian society. Another reason is because parents themselves lack scientificknowledge about it. Adolescents need to be taught about this topic since ignorance perpetuates myths and mis-belief.