Ever since the boom of World Wide Web, profiling online users' interests has become an important task for content providers. The traditional approach involves manual entry of users' data, which requires intensive labor and time. Recent approaches utilize machine learning and clustering techniques to build the profiles, by analyzing the content of the Web pages visited by the users. Because such solutions rely heavily on the textual information, although they are capable of differentiating different topics of interests, it remains a difficult task to determine the users' different levels of interests in a given topic as well as gauge the shift of interests over time. In this paper, we propose iHITS, which is an extension to the HITS (hypertext-induced topic search) algorithm. The algorithm automatically determines a ranked list of user's interests through link analysis on Web pages that the user visited. The visit pattern is obtained from the browsing history. We evaluate our approach by comparing automatically-generated interest profiles of the users with users' manual entry to examine its accuracy and effectiveness. Our evaluation shows that the approach is promising and achieves satisfactory results. Our study introduces a novel approach to build a user-interests profiling systems with the capability to automatically capture and rank users' browsing interests preference.
Wei-Ying Ma,et al.
Ranking user's relevance to a topic through link analysis on web logs
WIDM '02.
Stuart E. Middleton,et al.
Ontological user profiling in recommender systems
Beerud Dilip Sheth,et al.
A learning approach to personalized information filtering
Philip K. Chan,et al.
Learning implicit user interest hierarchy for context in personalization
IUI '03.
Hector Garcia-Molina,et al.
SIFT - a Tool for Wide-Area Information Dissemination
Yoshinori Hijikata,et al.
Implicit user profiling for on demand relevance feedback
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Mark Gerstein,et al.
Data Mining on the Web
Michael J. Pazzani,et al.
A personal news agent that talks, learns and explains
Yoichi Shinoda,et al.
Information filtering based on user behavior analysis and best match text retrieval
SIGIR '94.
Tomonari Kamba,et al.
Learning Personal Preferences on Online Newspaper Articles from User Behaviors
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Ken Lang,et al.
NewsWeeder: Learning to Filter Netnews