Packet Loss based Quality of Experience of multimedia video flows

Quality of Experience assessment of multimedia services is a hot topic in current research. This is motivated by the broad interest that both users and content providers show in having a successful multimedia experience. In this line, there has been some proposals to assess the QoE over multimedia video flows. However, most of these proposals are complex to implement, and require to compare the received stream with the original, which is unpractical in most scenarios. In this paper we present a novel method to compute the user’s perceved video quality. Opposed to other works, our method solely uses the video received at destination in order to assess its quality. To accomplish this, we base our quality estimation in the analysis of the experienced frame losses and the application buffers. To demonstrate the accuarcy of our solution, we compute the experienced quality of a video streaming application under different network disruptions, comparing the results obtained by our solution with the well known video quality metric Peek-Signal to Noise Ratio.