Preventive Maintenance of Concrete Bridge Decks

Preventive maintenance techniques used to slow down the rates of deterioration and corrosion to economically acceptable levels, more compatible with a theoretical 50-year bridge deck life are described. These techniques help slow down the rate of corrosion that will eventually result in costly repairs, and help prioritize individual bridges so that they are repaired at the proper time. Knowledge of the best time to apply the specific repair method is essential to economical bridge deck repairs. Thus, sealers are economical at almost any stage, whereas membranes, overlays, and cathodic protection are cost-effective at later times on the deterioration curve. Each of these options are discussed. Procedures and rationale used in Alberta, Canada are described: washing to remove salt; drain pipes to prevent deck ponding; crack repair; asphalt sealing; waterproofing with ultra-thin polymer wearing surfaces; sealing concrete; waterproofing with polymer membranes; and temporary waterproofing membranes.