Value co-creation: Embedding the value elements in critical success factor for e-government system development

The success of electronic government initiatives depend on many factors, among other is critical success factor (CSF). CSF refers to the limited number of areas in which satisfactory results will ensure successful competitive performance for the individual, department or organization [1]. It had been used significantly to present or identify few key factors that organizations should focus in order to be successful. CSF can be categorized into groups of factor such as human factors, technology, culture and infrastructure. Based on analysis conducted there are many CSF available to aid in the e-government system development. However available CSF does not promote the value-in-use element as such current systems developed using the existing CSF are lacked in the value-in-use aspect. Value-in-use is the satisfaction of wants and needs provided by the direct consumption of goods and services [15]. Value in use should be contrasted with the similar phrase, value in exchange [15]. This research will indentify the CSF, that will be focused to embed the value elements for eGovernment system development The value elements will be found from the value co-creation among the system provider and customer. The Service Dominant Logic (S-D Logic) and Experience Co-Creation value insights will be used to establish CSFs co-creation value and therefore it will aid the system development by ensuring the value-in-use is embedded in the system.