The mystery of the quantum world

Preface to the 2nd edition. Preface. Acknowledgements. Reality in the quantum world: The quantum revolutions External reality The potential barrier and the breakdown of determinism The experimental challenge to reality Summary of chapter one. Quantum theory: The description of a particle in quantum theory The wavefunction The potential barrier according to quantum mechanics Interference Other applications of quantum theory Summary of chapter two. Quantum theory and external reality: Review of the problem The ensemble interpretation of quantum mechanics The wavefunction as a measure of our knowledge The wavefunction as part of external reality Measurement in quantum theory Interference and macroscopic objects Can quantum mechanics be changed so that it will reduce wavefunctions? Summary of chapter three. Consciousness: The relevance of conscious observers: What is a conscious observer? Does wavefunction reduction require conscious observers? God as the conscious observer The many-worlds interpretation Summary of chapter four. Hidden variables and non-locality: Review of hidden-variable theories The pilot wave The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen thought experiment Bell's theorem Experimental verification of the non-local predictions of quantum theory Can signals travel faster than light Summary of chapter five. The mysteries of the quantum world: Where are we now? Quantum theory and relativity Where do we go next? Early history and the Copenhagen interpretation A bibliography and some recent opinions A final plea for reality A last look at the wavefunction Conclusions. Recent developments: Models with explicit collapse The Bohm model Many worlds Time and quantum theory A peculiarly quantum measurement Locality. Appendices. Index.