A Vision for High Energy Physics

Following the termination of the Superconducting Super Collider, there is an urgent need to develop a strategic plan for the future of high energy physics and an accompanying vision to guide the priorities of the U.S. program. This document proposes such a strategic plan and presents a singular opportunity for the U.S. program. The existing hadron collider at Fermilab could be upgraded to create a major discovery potential for supersymmetry, one of the most profound concepts in the world of elementary particles. Using a single ring of SSC magnets in the existing tunnel, the recently improved understanding of SUSY phenomenology, and the upgraded detectors in place at the Tevatron, the DiTevatron could be doing physics within five years and reach most of the range of parameters permitted in SUSY models. We propose that it be funded as a worthy component of the SSC termination, bringing to fruition both the technology and the science of the SSC at very modest cost.