Note on bounds for determinants with dominant principal diagonal
Received by the editors March 17, 1951. 1 A. Ostrowski, Sur la determination des bornes inferieures pour une classe des determinants, Bull. Sci. Math. (2) vol. 61 (1937) pp. 19-32. The fact that, if all a,T are less than 1, A does not vanish is due to Hadamard and others. 2 A. Ostrowski, Ueber die Determinanten mit siberwiegender Hauptdiagonale, Comment. Math. Helv. vol. 10 (1937) pp. 69-96. I use this opportunity to mention the following misprints in this paper: p. 70, 1. 9, f.a., read f h,,,| instead of h..; p. 73, formula (13), read I h,,,f instead of h. and E' ,,; instead of y>1 p. 73, 1. 4, f.b., read 1881 instead of 1899; p. 76, the right-side product-sign in the formula (18) is to be dropped; p. 86, in the formula (11, 1) read on the left side m,zyp, instead of y,, and on the right side M instead of 1; p. 96, 1. 7, f.b., read S1/S2 instead of S2/Si.