Status of the superconducting 217 MHz CH-cavity

Presently the demonstrator for the sc cw-LINAC at GSI is under construction and its successful beam operation will be the first milestone realizing the new sc cw-LINAC at GSI [1]. The construction of an advanced demonstrator will be the second milestone towards the sc cw-LINAC at GSI. The presently design of the sc cw-LINAC consists of the demonstrator as first cavity and 4 to 5 additional cryomodules with 2 CH-cavities per cryomodule [2,3]. The design of the advanced demonstrator will be used for all cavities in the sc cw-LINAC after the demonstrator. The cavity is designed and optimized for high power applications, consisting of 8 accelerating cells. The design gradient is 5 MV/m. Its frequency is the second harmonic of the High Charge Injector (HLI) at GSI, Darmstadt. Table 1 shows the main parameters of the sc 217 MHz CH-cavity. In Figure 1 the layout of the sc 217 MHz CHcavity is depicted.