Een duurzaam leefbare woonomgeving: Fysieke voorwaarden voor privacyregulering

Liveability is an appropriate relationship between a person and their environment; sustainability is an appropriate relationship between humanity and the environment. This research focuses on a positive relation between liveability and sustainable development and its implications for designing neighbourhoods. The topic is approached from an environmental psychological perspective, which means that the subject of the research was environment\endash behaviour relations. Because the behaviour or needs of the individual take centre stage, the neighbourhood environment in this study encompasses both the physical (built) and social environments. The goal of the research was to operationalise the concept of liveability in relation to sustainable development in such a way that an overlap is created which allows design recommendations to be made for sustainable liveable neighbourhoods. This is broken down into three elements: The relation between liveability and sustainable development. In the first part I examine and discuss the meanings of sustainable development and liveability. This results in an overview of significant and useful relations between the two concepts. The physical characteristics of sustainable liveable neighbourhoods. In the second part I analyse a number of housing environments to establish their degree of (sustainable) liveability. Design recommendations. In the third part I present some design recommendations for sustainable liveable neighbourhoods.