A rad-hard, low-noise, high-speed, BiFET charge preamplifier for warm liquid calorimetry in the SSC

A fully integrated BiFET charge preamplifier is described which meets the specifications imposed by the Superconducting Supercollider (SSC): a rise time under 100 ns, total noise less than 1000 electrons r.m.s., and power consumption below 80 mW. It has been designed for a detector capacitance of 10 pF and tested up to a total gamma dose of 1.44 Mrd and neutron fluence of 2*10/sup 13/ n/cm/sup 2/. An industrial junction-isolated BiFET process with an 80-MHz f/sub T/ for the P-JFETs, 260 MHz for the n-p-n's, and 10 MHz for the p-n-p's was used to implement the preamplifier circuit. >