항만효율성 측정 자료의 정규성과 변환 불변성 검증 소고: DEA접근

The purpose of this paper is to verify the two problems(normalization for the different inputs and outputs data, translation invariant for the negative data) which will be occurred in measuring the seaport DEA(data envelopment analysis) efficiency. The main result is as follow: Normalization and translation invariant in the BCC model for measuring the seaport efficiency by using 26 Korean seaport data in 1995 with two inputs(berthing capacity, cargo handling capacity) and three outputs(import cargo throughput, export cargo throughput, number of ship calls) was verified. The main policy implication of this paper is that the port management authority should collect the more specific data and publish these data on the inputs and outputs in the seaports with consideration of negative(ex. accident numbers in each seaport) and positive value for analyzing the efficiency by the scholars, because normalization and translation invariant in the data was verified.