Collaborative Design: “Forming, Storming, and Norming”

ISSUE: A lack of collaboration with other design disciplines is a problem encountered by many interior design education programs across the country. GOAL: The goal was to broaden interior design student's exposure to two other design disciplines: architecture and landscape architecture. APPLICATION: Students and faculty can no longer afford to work in isolation as companies are increasingly seeking collaborative efforts to solve their problems. In response to this need, students from architecture, interior design, and landscape architecture were grouped in interdisciplinary teams in a collaborative design course. DESCRIPTION: The literature on the advantages and disadvantages of collaborative teamwork are reviewed. Given the advantages associated with teamwork, the development of the collaborative design course is described along with student reactions upon completion of the course. CONCLUSION: Student responses reiterated the advantages and disadvantages of working in teams. More importantly, students understood the importance of being exposed to collaborative design efforts.