Time and Matter
Photons travel at the speed of light in a vacuum. Electrons travel at the speed of light in a quantum cone. When mass is more than the speed of light relative to infinity, mass will become nonexistent or having no energy at the nodes of standing half waves. On this note, there does not have to be a beginning of anything just because we exist, the energy from which we came from always existed and if it did not always exist, then how can we ask the question where did the energy come from ?, unless it was always there. This report will show the relation between mass and infinity where the speed of light is common to both giving an understanding of time and matter in the electromagnetic field. This brief report can be printed out in color or black and white. (Journal of American Science 2009; 5(4):65-70). (ISSN: 1545-1003).
[1] R. Feynman. QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter , 1985 .
[2] Stephen W. Hawking,et al. The Illustrated A Brief History of Time , 1996 .