DualGraph: A graph-based method for reasoning about label noise

Unreliable labels derived from large-scale dataset prevent neural networks from fully exploring the data. Existing methods of learning with noisy labels primarily take noise-cleaning-based and sample-selection-based methods. However, for numerous studies on account of the above two views, selected samples cannot take full advantage of all data points and cannot represent actual distribution of categories, in particular if label annotation is corrupted. In this paper, we start from a different perspective and propose a robust learning algorithm called DualGraph, which aims to capture structural relations among labels at two different levels with graph neural networks including instance-level and distribution-level relations. Specifically, the instance-level relation utilizes instance similarity characterize sample category, while the distribution-level relation describes instance similarity distribution from each sample to all other samples. Since the distribution-level relation is robust to label noise, our network propagates it as supervised signals to refine instance-level similarity. Combining two level relations, we design an end-to-end training paradigm to counteract noisy labels while generating reliable predictions. We conduct extensive experiments on the noisy CIFAR-10 dataset, CIFAR-100 dataset, and the Clothing1M dataset. The results demonstrate the advantageous performance of the proposed method in comparison to state-of-the-art baselines.

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