Interactive Visual Steering for Reservoir Geoscience and Engineering

As the scale, complexity and computational costs of reservoir simulations grow [1], reservoir engineers must be able to monitor the progress of the simulation and control or steer them during the run-time [2]. The utility and cost-effectiveness of these reservoir simulations is increased by transforming the traditional post-processing visualization and analysis of simulation results into integrated, interactive solutions [3]. The goal is to tightly integrate the interactive visualization techniques with the reservoir simulation systems and algorithms, allowing efficient and effective guidance during the reservoir analysis as the simulations occur [4]. The user will have the flexibility to compare different alternatives, to correct an unacceptable reservoir dynamic behavior or to seek an improved development alternative from both geological and flow simulation perspectives. This project has two main deliverables: (1) Fully Coupled Interactive Visual Steering for Black Oil, Compositional, Thermal, and Streamline Simulators; (2) Interactive Visual Steering for Geoengineering Well-Tests.