Regulation of collagen VI expression in fibroblasts. Effects of cell density, cell-matrix interactions, and chemical transformation.

Collagen VI expression was studied in cultured human skin fibroblasts and mouse 3T3 cells using cDNA probes specific for alpha 1(VI), alpha 2(VI), and alpha 3(VI) chains. A 2-3-fold increase of these mRNAs was observed when fibroblasts were grown at increasing densities while only minimal changes occurred for the mRNA levels of collagens I and III, fibronectin, and beta-actin. Changes in mRNA correlated well with an increased production of corresponding proteins as determined by immunological assays. A comparable increase of alpha 1(VI) and alpha 2(VI) but not of alpha 3(VI) chain mRNAs was found for fibroblasts grown in a three-dimensional collagen gel after gel contraction. These conditions resulted, however, in a decrease of steady-state levels of collagens I and III and actin mRNAs. Transformation of 3T3 cells by phorbol ester did not change collagen VI mRNAs but caused a 3-5-fold reduction in mRNA levels for the other extracellular matrix proteins. These data strongly imply different regulatory mechanisms for the expression of collagen VI compared with collagens I and III and fibronectin. The differences may be correlated to changes in cell shape and reflect the requirement for collagen VI as a cell-binding protein.