The OECD green model
This paper presents a brief introduction to the OECD GREEN Model. The GREEN model has been developed by the OECD Secretariat in order to assess the economic impact of abating CO2 emissions using several different economic instruments. The paper is divided into two parts. The first provides a brief introduction to the structure of the GREEN model. The second describes several different simulations using the GREEN model, including what is generally referred to as the Business-as-Usual scenario and several alternative carbon-abatement scenarios. For specific details on the model and its implementation, readers are referred to the GREEN Reference Manual, and the GREEN User Manual ... Cet ouvrage est destine a servir d’introduction au modele GREEN de l'OCDE. Le modele GREEN a ete developpe par le Secretariat de l'OCDE afin de mesurer l'impact economique de differentes politiques de limitation des emissions de CO2. Cet ouvrage comporte deux parties. La premiere decrit la structure du modele. La seconde presente plusieurs resultats du modele, dont notamment la simulation de reference et des simulations alternatives de limitation des emissions de carbone. Les lecteurs interesses par la structure detaillee du modele ou son utilisation sont invites a se referer aux manuels prepares a l’intention des utilisateurs ...