Issues in packet radio network design
[1] B.H. Davies,et al. The application of packet switching techniques to combat net radio , 1987, Proceedings of the IEEE.
[2] Fouad A. Tobagi,et al. Multiaccess Link Control , 1982 .
[3] R. Binder,et al. Packet radio and satellite networks , 1984, IEEE Communications Magazine.
[4] H. Zimmermann,et al. OSI Reference Model - The ISO Model of Architecture for Open Systems Interconnection , 1980, IEEE Transactions on Communications.
[5] N. Shacham,et al. Future directions in packet radio architectures and protocols , 1987, Proceedings of the IEEE.
[6] Robert E. Kahn,et al. The Organization of Computer Resources into a Packet Radio Network , 1977 .
[7] Vinton G. Cerf,et al. The DoD Internet Architecture Model , 1983, Comput. Networks.
[8] S.A. Gronemeyer,et al. Advances in packet radio technology , 1978, Proceedings of the IEEE.
[9] M.B. Pursley. The role of spread spectrum in packet radio networks , 1987, Proceedings of the IEEE.
[10] D.L. Nielson,et al. Microwave propagation measurements for mobile digital radio application , 1978, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[11] R. Binder,et al. Crosslink architectures for a multiple satellite system , 1987, Proceedings of the IEEE.
[12] B. Leiner,et al. The DARPA internet protocol suite , 1985, IEEE Communications Magazine.
[13] L. Kleinrock,et al. Packet Switching in Radio Channels: Part I - Carrier Sense Multiple-Access Modes and Their Throughput-Delay Characteristics , 1975, IEEE Transactions on Communications.
[14] D. Behrman,et al. A Low-Cost Spread-Spectrum Packet Radio , 1982, MILCOM 1982 - IEEE Military Communications Conference - Progress in Spread Spectrum Communications.
[15] L. Kleinrock,et al. Packet Switching in Radio Channels : Part Il-The Hidden Terminal Problem in Carrier Sense Multiple-Access and the Busy-Tone Solution , 2022 .
[16] Eric C. Rosen,et al. The New Routing Algorithm for the ARPANET , 1980, IEEE Trans. Commun..
[17] W.C. Fifer,et al. The low-cost packet radio , 1987, Proceedings of the IEEE.