Savremeni železnički terminali - renesansa terminala na prelasku dva veka

Global outstanding architectural production appears as consequence of fast comprehensive technological and economical improvement. Traffic infrastructures also run out the transition and rationalization all over the world. The all kind of traffic is going to be integrated in unique system improving all their advantages, minimizing their drawback. According to those tendentious becomes revival of railway traffic as well as importance of city railway terminals, the key check points in whole railway network. The great railway terminals were unique distinctive objects for the city as well as for society, but also for history of architecture. Examples of those historical objects enables tracing of their genesis from 19. century glamour throughout 20 century lagging, to their renaissance those days. Railway station objects has been changed functionally and appear sly, therefore it is possible to shortly recognize global functional requirements necessary to fulfill large customer requirements. Concept of transit type railway station is more acceptable then head type railway stations constructed in early phase of railway development. This modern type is more suitable for city giving large abilities for smooth and easy interchanges. Different modality of that type allows creation of different shapes and forms, designing object from just an entrance to the subterranean lines, to unique station shed covering the whole stating complex. The main goal is feeding of obstacles, plenty of daylight, a pleasant ambience, easy resourcefulness and reliable visual aids, therefore all those becomes an categorical imperative. Gathering distinguish architects and constructors, great investments bids abundance of modern terminals putting together in unique object it's static and dynamic character promoting new technologies and speed, opening new glory era in history of railway station architecture.