Proceedings of the 12th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services, MobiSys 2014, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, USA, June 16, 2014, PhD Forum

Welcome to MobiSys 2014, the 12th Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services. This year's technical program covers a wide range of topics in mobile systems. The program both deepens our understanding of several long-standing problems and explores an expanding set of emerging mobile applications and technologies. Topics include automated user-interface exploration, efficient resource usage, gesture recognition, localization, privacy and security, wearable computing, wireless networks, and more. We are thrilled to begin the technical program with a keynote talk by Professor James Landay of Cornell NYC Tech. Dr. Landay has been a leading researcher on human-computer interaction and ubiquitous computing for over twenty years. After the keynote, we have an exciting technical program that includes 25 full-length technical papers chosen by the technical program committee (TPC) from 185 submissions. As interest in the conference has grown over the last several years, so too has the review load for MobiSys TPCs. To reduce the number of reviews each TPC member had to write, we augmented the TPC with an external review committee (ERC) of experts. Most ERC members reviewed six papers during the initial round of the review process. Our review process consisted of three rounds of decisions. During the first round, all submissions received three or four reviews, each written by a member of the TPC or ERC. If a reviewer recommended that a paper be accepted, the paper advanced to the second round. During the second round, papers received three or four additional reviews, almost entirely from the TPC. At the end of the second round, reviewers discussed each remaining paper online to determine whether it should advance to the third round of decisions. The third round of decisions occurred during an all-day face-to-face meeting of the TPC. By the conclusion of this meeting, the TPC had identified the 25 papers in the program. Finally, all accepted papers were shepherded by a TPC member to ensure that the final manuscripts met the standards of the committee. We took strict precautions throughout the review process to avoid conflicts of interest. Furthermore, as the TPC chairs, we did not submit papers to avoid conflicts of interest.