Space Heating and Domestic Hot Water Energy Demand in High Space Heating and Domestic Hot Water Energy Demand in High - -Level Level - Insulation Insulation Multistorey Buildings Buildings

Figure 1. -The various flats of the two buildings are dimensionally and ty pologically different; they result thermically different owing to the orientation and the position (level) in the buildings. The capital letter A means the two -level flats for 4 people; the letter B means the flats for 2 people with indipendent entrance (external stairs); the letter C means the flats for 3 -4 people with condominium entrance (internal stairs and lift) and the let ter D means the flats for 2 people having the entrances opened on the external gallery accessible f rom a close stairwell (with lift).As a consequence of the Legislative Decree 192 (February 2007), according to which the European Directive 2002/91/CE on the building energy performance has been adopted in Italy, the compliance with limit values of the energy to be delivered to the heating system for space heating is required for new-design buildings as well as for renovation interventions.In this paper the Authors discuss the results obtained from the calculations concerning the energy demand of two high-level-insulation residential buildings situated in Greve in Chianti (Florence, Italy). Particular attention is paid to the evaluation of the energy demand for domestic hot water production and for ventilation with regard to their impact on the total energy demand. The envelope structures have been designed so that their thermal conductance could result to be distinctly inferior to the limit value imposed by the Italian regulations. As concerns the insulated flat A1, the methane saving, throughout the heating season, compared to the same, non-insulated, flat comes to approximately 933 m