Evaluation of the Mycobacterium leprae particle agglutination (MLPA) test as a tool in the epidemiology of leprosy in high prevalence village in South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
This study reports on the usefulness of an IgM phenolic glycolipid-1 (PGL-1) Mycobacterium leprae particle agglutination (MLPA) test for serodiagnosis of leprosy in a prospective longitudinal community survey in a high prevalence village in South Sulawesi, Indonesia, IgM PGL-1 MLPA has simple and limited value as a screening method for detection of transmission of leprosy in the community. Many normal persons in the community in a high prevalence area had increased IgM anti PGL-1 antibodies, presumably as a consequence of early subclinical infection. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the MLPA test can only reliably detect anti-PGL-1 antibodies in the community and may be useful for follow-up study of subclinical infection of leprosy among individuals living the an endemic area.