Effect of application various combination of fertilizers and manure on sugarcane production and juice quality

An experiment was conducted during 2016-17 at Regional Research Station, Karnal of CCS Haryana Agricultural University. The experiment comprised of 10 treatments viz. Control (No fertilizer), 50% recommended dose (RD) of NPK, Recommended dose (RD) of NPK, Soil test based (STV) NPK, FYM@15t/ha + 50% RD NPK, FYM@15t/ha + 100% RD NPK, FYM@15t/ha + NPK based on STV, FYM@10t/ha + Bio fertilizers (BF) +50%RD NPK, FYM@10t/ha+BF+100% RD NPK, FYM@10t/ha + BF+ STV NPK. The application of 100% RD NPK or STV NPK significantly increased the cane yield and yield attributes viz. germination percentage (35.4 to 40.74 %), cane girth (2.08 to 2.44 cm), cane length (2.28 to 2.67 m) and cane weight (0.64 to 0.78 kg cane-1), NMC (91417 to 97223), sucrose% (16.60 to 18.02%), CCS% (11.3 to 12.51%) over control. The application of FYM@15 t ha-1+50% RD NPK achieved the similar cane yield as achieved by the application of 100% RD NPK. The application of FYM@15t ha-1+100% RD NPK had the maximum cane yield (93.23 t ha-1) and yield attributes parameters viz. germination percentage 44.91 %, cane girth 2.73 cm, cane length 2.97 m, cane weight 0.92 kg, NMC 101399 followed by the application of FYM@10t/ha+BF+100% RD NPK, and these treatment significantly increased cane weight and yield over RD NPK.