The EUropean Union as An Actor in International Relations

Abbreviations. List of Contributors. Introduction E. Cannizzaro. Part One: Decision-Making Procedures of the EU in the Field of International Relations. 1. The Decision-Making Processes of the European Community in External Relations F. Pocar. 2. Les processus de decision de la PESC: Vers une politique etrangere europeenne? E. Decaux. 3. Overlaps between European Community Competence and European Union Foreign Policy Activity R. Baratta. 4. Les relations exterieures de l'Union economique et monetaire J.-V. Louis. 5. Democratic Control of International Relations of the European Union R. Bieber. 6. Trends in Judicial Activism and Judicial Self-Restraint relating to Community Agreements G. Gaja. 7. The Foreign Relations Law of EU between Supranationality and Intergovernmental Model A. Tizzano. Part Two: The Legal Position of the EU in the Field of International Relations. 1. Restraints on the Treaty-Making Powers of Member States Deriving from EU Law: Towards a Framework for Analysis J. Klabbers. 2. The International Responsibility of the European Union C. Tomuschat. International Responsibility of the European Community and of the Member States under Mixed Agreements E. Neframi. 3. Sanctions, Countermeasures and Related Actions in the External Relations of the European Union: A Search for Legal Frameworks E. Paasivirta, A. Rosas. Reactions by the European Union to Breaches of Erga Omnes Obligations P. Palchetti. 4. EU's Membership of International Organizations S. Marchisio. The Relations between the European Community and the International Labour Organization L. Cavicchioli. The Relations between the European Union and the OSCE in Crisis Management G. Nesi. 5. The European Community and the Law of the Sea Convention: New Developments T. Treves. 6. The Scope of EU Foreign Power. Is the EC Competent to Conclude Agreements with Third States including Human Rights Clauses? E. Cannizzaro. 7. International Activities of the European Union and Sovereignty of Member States E.-U. Petersmann.