Summary form only given. It is becoming clear that conventional longitudinal magnetic recording is approaching the superparamagnetic limit and that further density increases must be achieved using an alternate approach. Perpendicular recording with a soft underlayer provides one such approach. Relative to longitudinal recording, it is commonly claimed to possess three major advantages, each exhibiting an apparent flaw that we argue can be solved: 1. The record field is approximately twice that obtainable in longitudinal recording owing to the image field generated by the soft underlayer. However, the coercivity of a perfectly oriented perpendicular grain is also nearly twice that of the unoriented longitudinal grain with equal anisotropy field. Solutions to this problem include a head field that generates some longitudinal components or an incompletely aligned perpendicular media. 2. The demagnetization fields of perpendicularly oriented media favor thicker films that can better resist thermal fluctuations. However, at high densities, the enhanced distance between head and soft underlayer will weaken the head fields and gradients. The solution to this problem rests in the observation that even the recording layer has non-zero susceptibility. 3. Magnetostatic fields do not destabilize transitions in perpendicular recording, unlike longitudinal recording. Unfortunately, they do destabilize the middle of the bit. However, this problem can be overcome by introducing a uniform exchange coupling within the media.
R. Victora,et al.
Micromagnetic predictions for thermally assisted reversal over long time scales
H. Bertram,et al.
Micromagnetic analysis of the effect of intergranular exchange on thermal stability in magnetic recording. III. Perpendicular media
M. Williams,et al.
SNR and density limit estimates: a comparison of longitudinal and perpendicular recording
Micromagnetic predictions of bit decay caused by thermal fluctuations over long time scales
M. Mallary.
Recording Head Design
R. Victora,et al.
Micromagnetic model of perpendicular head and double-layer media for 100 Gb/in/sup 2/
R. Victora,et al.
Superlattice magnetic recording media: experiment and simulation
Y. Ikeda,et al.
Thermal stability and SNR of coupled granular/continuous media
Mourad Benakli,et al.
One terabit per square inch perpendicular recording conceptual design
Y. Nakamura,et al.
Possibilities of perpendicular magnetic recording
Roger Wood,et al.
The feasibility of magnetic recording at 1 Terabit per square inch