Background and Objectives: The precise location of the adductor canal remains controversial among anesthesiologists. In numerous studies of the analgesic effect of the so-called adductor canal block for total knee arthroplasty, the needle insertion point has been the midpoint of the thigh, determined as the midpoint between the anterior superior iliac spine and base of patella. “Adductor canal block”may be amisnomer for an approach that is actually an injection into the femoral triangle, a “femoral triangle block.” This block probably has a different analgesic effect compared with an injection into the adductor canal. We sought to determine the exact location of the adductor canal using ultrasound and relate it to the midpoint of the thigh. Methods: Twenty-two volunteers were examined using ultrasound. The proximal end of the adductor canal was identified where the medial border of the sartorius muscle intersects the medial border of the adductor longus muscle. The distal end of the adductor canal is the adductor hiatus, which was also visualized ultrasonographically. Results: The mean distance from the anterior superior iliac spine to the midpoint of the thigh was 22.9 cm (range, 20.3–24.9 cm). The mean distance from the anterior superior iliac spine to the proximal end of the adductor canal was 27.4 cm (range, 24.0–31.4 cm). Consequently, the mean distance from the midpoint of the thigh to the proximal end of the adductor canal was 4.6 cm (range, 2.3–7.0 cm). Conclusions: In all volunteers, the midpoint of the thigh was proximal to the beginning of the adductor canal, suggesting that an injection performed at this level is in fact a femoral triangle block.

Grant R. Mills | S. S. Harsoor | R. Kumar | W. Knox | J. Parel | P. White | Rachel Farmer | S. Jakob | Y. Shim | A. Seth | J. Y. Kim | R. Minshall | A. Zlotnik | E. Mariano | T. Piegeler | B. Beck-Schimmer | M. Tobe | S. Saito | R. Weisman | Y. Shapira | K. Brijesh | E. Andersson | M. Schulmeyer | A. Shimano | G. Mathew | B. Carvalho | S. Rani | A. Melemeni | A. Fassoulaki | Y. Jeon | I. Posso | Daniel Rothen | J. Abrão | T. Chinachoti | R. Gebhard | S. Ward | V. Tesic | Oliver Baehre | S. Jahanbakhsh | Soha Bazyar | Andrey L. Melnikov Steinar | Bjørgo Ulf E. Kongsgaard | J. Moyano | L. Aguilar | M. Souza | Marco Antonio Dias Jogaib | E. Cascudo | R. Costa | Adriana Demoner | Edgar Omero | Ortega Ortega | Diego García-Girona | J. C. Elvira | K. Geier | María Angélica Iglesias Tinnirello | Inmaculada Herrador Montiel | F. G. Armenta | M. Fernández | D. Unić-Stojanović | Dusica Vucurevic | M. Jovic | I. Ilić | G. Rivas | S. Pacreu | J. F. Candil | J. Carazo | C. Farré | Naila Asad | T. Butt | Farrukh Afzal | Akbar Shah Romila | A. Chhabra | Anuradha Borle | R. Subramaniam | P. Tan | S. Teo | Chee Kean Chen | Aliya Ahmed | F. Khan | M. Ali | F. Nawaz | A. Hussain | D. Guardabassi | Perrín Turenne Hugo | Vescovo Anibal | D. Ximena | B. Baenziger | Angkana Luingnateetape | M. Raksakietisak | Aylin Incesu | M. Deniz | E. Erhan | G. Ugur | U. Paralkar | Cheng Ong | A. Pearce | H. Muhammad | N. Esa | N. Idris | Hanafi Sidik | T. Suto | H. Obata | H. Shimada | Nicolás Gastón Moreno | Ana Maria Pagliaro | Pablo Morgillo | Franco Ravera | J. Palleiro | S. Gayer | H. Palte | I. Nose | C. Fernandes | R. Okubo | I. Lisnyy | Eduard Stahovskiy | Y. Kuchin | L. Klimchuk | Gina Votta Velis | J. Aguirre | J. Maza | R. Flores | G. Cortes | C. Ovalle | Youn-Woo Lee | J. Choi | Hyun Seung Kim | G. Blas | D. Nuria | Orozco Montes Javier | Gutierrez-Meca Maestre Maria Dolores | Rodriguez Perez Jose Maria | C. Manuello | E. Gagliardo | G. Harvey | G. Reeves | L. Vaula | Tomas E. Lambertus | Ji-young Yoo | A. Lee | Y. Shin | S. Choi | D. Choi | Jung-Hee Rhyu | Jung-Won Hwang | S. Do | Hee-Pyoung Park | P. Gurha | A. Tsaroucha | A. Paraskeva | C. Bollini | F. Cacheiro | M. Moreno | G. Carradori | Pablo Lassalle | J. Melton | B. Smiljanić | G. Tockov | A. Takeda | L. Ferraro | E. Sadatsune | L. Falcão | M. A. Tardelli | A. Yıldız | Altun Demet | Coskun Fusun Bozkirli | O. Aguirre | M. I. Vásquez | María Patricia González | Ángela María Ríos | J. Ordóñez | C. Henao | R. Rasiah | Azlina Abbas Azhar | Merican Naveenthiran Thevanthiran | A. Saadatniaki | S. Momenzadeh | D. Abtahi | S. Randive | B. Stevens | M. Dilkes | V. Mehta | B. Shephard | D. Abell | R. Wadhwani | Kimiko Takekawa | V. Mahadevan | S. Nadarajan | P. Tamilselvan | S. Desikan | Opas Puchissa | F. J. Sánchez | Rafael Esturi | J. Galbis | M. Estors | J. E. Llopis | V. Muedra | E. Miñana | C. Añó | V. Funes | Raúl Trotta | S. Sharafudeen | Raveendranath Wadhwani | A. Bhalla | K. Gunashekar | M. Lokesh | S. Nethra | D. Devikarani | U. Spreng | V. Dahl | Eduardo Cardieri | B. Chiara | Scaglioni Maria | Belen Posso | A. Lucchelli | A. Burumdayal | S. Galitzine | M. Sinczak | A. Ramsden | M. McNally | D. Lahoz | R. Passos | M. Irwin | S. Mahalingam | Lee Krahe | V. Kadam | Van Wijk Roelof John | M. D. Miller | H. Jabbour | R. Jawish | N. Naccache | H. AbouZeid | K. Jabbour | B. Koo | A. Zhumadilov | Aida Amirzhanova | B. Gautam | F. Astore | Nicolás Altolaguirre | Francisco Riberi | Mabhidli Mduduzi Amos Mashinini | A. Lundgren | Siân B. Griffiths | Jason A. Chou | N. Christelis | C. Sani | Sanoussi Samuela | S. Rachid | Asoumane Toudou Nouhou | A. Habibou | Sangmook Lee | Jong Sang | E. Park | José Luis Furno | Carlos E. Lorda | Franco Frenquelli | T. Purtuloğlu | Ömer Yanarateş | Ali Sýzlan | Oguz Kýlýçkaya | E. Kurt | G. Parameswara | Jayashree Simha | Hanuman K. Murthy | M. Piotrowski | A. Kącka | Piotr Sarwiñski | C. Kosinski | Tomasz Lazowwski | T. Lazowski | N. Fatma | Nur Kaya Aysun | Ylmazlar Burak Demira | P. Siddalingeshwara | C. Kumaresan | Yun T. Romy | Edward Kim | P. Ingelmo | S. S. Catenacci | A. Buda | S. Calcinati | M. Gili | Michael Burns | K. Kline | J. Vivian | J. Zavesky | Serdar Kaymak | F. N. Kaya | B. Kutlay | Mubeen Khan | Christopher I Pollitt | I. Ahmed | M. Interiano | E. Miller | Roberto A. Contreras | A. Missair | C. Pollitt | A. Borle | S. Harsoor | V. R. Kadam | J. Kim | S. Bazyar | J. Yoo | N. Asad | Pavan Gurha | Carolina Henao | J. Llopis | G. Mills | Valasubramaniam Mahadevan

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