Spectral irradiance calibration in the infrared. II - Alpha Tau and the recalibration of the IRAS low resolution spectrometer

A general process for creating complete, continuous, and absolutely calibrated 1-35 micron stellar spectra is described. The method is demonstrated by constructing an absolutely calibrated 1-35 micron spectrum of Alpha Tau and the method is independently validated using new observations. The absolute calibration of the IRAS low resolution spectrometer (LRS) data base is investigated by comparing the observed spectrum of Alpha Tau with that assumed in the original LRS calibration scheme. An analysis of asteroidal LRS spectra results in an independent assessment of the calibration problems with the LRS and provides a natural complement to the effort based on Alpha Tau. A direct comparison of LRS stellar spectra with independently calibrated long-wavelength airborne and ground-based spectra is made.