The Manichæan Fasts

In an excursus to his article on “The Early Sasanians” in BSOAS., xi, 42 sqq., S. H. Taqizadeh has given a full and illuminating discussion of the Manichæan two-day fasts which preceded the feast of the Bema. All hitherto known about these fasts is contained in a passage in the K. al-Fihrist, 333, 28–334, 1, which runs as follows:— As regards the fasting— (1) when the sun is in Sagittarius and the moon is full, they fast two days without break, (2) then when the New Light appears, they fast two days without break, (3) after this, they fast two days when the moon is full (and the sun is) in Capricornus, (4) then when the New Light appears and the sun is in Aquarius and eight days have passed of the (lunar) month, they fast for thirty days, but break the fast each day at nightfall.