도시기반과 건축물의 일체적 정비 도입 방안 연구

The purpose of this study is to address institutional improving way by linkage development between urban infrastructure and building. To overcome the limitations of flat-replotting, this paper focused on multi-level replotting method and unified-implementation method as comprehensive development tool. Both methods give a rightful person, which it is a land owners in multi-level replotting and it become a participants in unified-implementation, joint ownership of the land and divided ownership of building. With the case studies of Kasugai and Marunouchi, these methods are effective for anchor development and make development process speedy by unifying urban infrastructure development and building construction. Multi-level replotting is more effective tool in downsizing emigrants by bringing down land reduction rate, however, unified-implementation is more attractive financially by constructing buildings without additional cost by lots-sales. To promote these comprehensive development tools, however, it is necessary to enact rules in laws and supporting system in advance.