Cosmological constraints on interacting dark energy with redshift-space distortion after Planck data

The interacting dark energy model could propose a effective way to avoid the coincidence problem. In this paper, dark energy is taken as a fluid with a constant equation-of-state parameter w x . In a general gauge, we could obtain two sets of different perturbation equations when the momentum transfer potential is vanished in the rest frame of dark matter or dark energy. There are many kinds of interacting forms from the phenomenological considerations; here, we choose Q = 3 H ξ x ρ x , which owns the stable perturbations in most cases. Then, according to the Markov chain Monte Carlo method, we constrain the model by currently available cosmic observations, which include cosmic microwave background radiation, baryon acoustic oscillation, type Ia supernovae, and f σ 8 ( z ) data points from redshift-space distortion. Jointing the geometry tests with the large scale structure information, the results show a tighter constraint on the interacting model than the case without f σ 8 ( z ) data. We find the interaction rate in 3 σ regions: ξ x = 0.00372 - 0.00372 - 0.00372 - 0.00372 + 0.000768 + 0.00655 + 0.0102 . It means that the recently cosmic observations favor a small interaction rate between the dark sectors, snf at the same time, the measurement of redshift-space distortion could rule out a large interaction rate in the 1 σ region.