A step towards enzyme-free tissue dissociation

Abstract The future of personalized diagnostics commences on the single cell level. Even high-end technologies like Next Generation Sequencing can be improved if applied on pure single cell populations (e.g., tumor cells without contaminating stromal cells) or on a single cell level (DNA/RNA sequencing). The vast majority of these technologies need individual and preferably undistorted cells for the analytical process. Thus, decisive prerequisite for high-end analytics is to remove cells from their tissue matrix as gently as possible. This can be accomplished by an enzyme-free, fast and reproducible approach of generating pure and individual single cells from tissue samples. In this study we demonstrate the utility of a semi-automated Tissue Grinder that is compatible with standard 50 ml centrifuge tubes and standard cell strainer for mechanically, nonenzymatic and parallel processing of tissue samples. We show that without enzymatic treatment viable single-cell yields match or exceed reference enzymatic methods, while reducing processing time by at least 80%.