Agricultural soils may contain weed seedbanks of hundreds of millions of weed seeds per hectare, which have mechanisms to detect the appropriate time and place for germination. The soil depth in which a seed is capable of germinating varies among species, presenting ecological and agronomic importance. With the objective of studying Tridax procumbens seedling emergence as a function of sowing depth, substrate clay content, and seed treatment to overcome light requirement, two experiments were carried out at the Department of Agriculture of the University of Lavras - Brazil. In experiment 1, seedling emergence was evaluated in pots containing a 60% clay substrate, at sowing depths of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 cm, and also with the partially buried achenes (PBA). In experiment 2, seeds with or without light overcoming treatment were used (imbibition for 48 hours in GA3 1 mmol L-1 + KNO3 25 mmol L-1 + light), sown in substrates with 30 and 60% clay, at the depth of 1 cm, 2 cm and PBA, and also in sand at 3 cm depth. Tridax procumbens seedling emergence was greatest when the achenes were partially buried in the substrate, regardless of its clay content. There was a great reduction in emergence at depths higher and lower than 1 cm, which was null (experiment 2) and almost null (experiment 1) at 3 cm depth. Treatment to overcome light requirement improved emergence at sowing depths of 1 and 2 cm, but was ineffective at 3 cm sowing depth.
W. E. Dyer,et al.
Exploiting Weed Seed Dormancy and Germination Requirements through Agronomic Practices
Weed Science.
M. Marks,et al.
Achene dimorphism and germination in three composite weeds
Osvaldo Alberto Fernandez.
Manejo integrado de malezas
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Preliminary ecological studies on Lithophytes and Chasmophytes in South‐West Nigeria
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Germination and emergence of Stachytarpheta cayennensis and Ipomoea asarifolia
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Fatores que afetam a germinação e a emergência de Xanthium strumarim L.: dormência, qualidade da luz e profundidade de semeadura
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Problemática e manejo de bancos de sementes de invasoras em solos agrícolas
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Speed of Germination—Aid In Selection And Evaluation for Seedling Emergence And Vigor1
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Soil Light Penetration and Dormancy of Jimsonweed (Datura stramonium) Seeds
Weed Science.