Boiling Water Reactor Loss of Coolant Tests Single Failure Tests with ROSA-III

The single failure tests with the ROSA-III were simulated BWR LOCA experiments by the scaled BWR test facility resulting from a 200% double-ended break at the recirculation pump suction line to evaluate the core cooling capability of a BWR ECCS under the single failure condition. The experimental results showed that the loss of LPCS and one LPCI resulted in the highest PCT of 870 K of the single failure series tests, yet a core cooling capability by the ECCS was maintained. The REALP4/Mod 6 code was used to evaluate the predictive capability of the LOCA analysis code. The calculated results showed that the RELAP4/Mod 6 code was able to predict occurrences and sequence of major events anticipated to occur during a BWR LOCA correctly. However it was found that the code still needs to be improved in a CCFL model to better describe thermohydraulic behavior in the core. The analyses presented in this paper are valuable for evaluating the adequacy and improving the predictive capability of analytical models dev...