no scientific idea is dutiable, and no thought need be With the establislhment of the hormone function of the given to the laws of high or low tariff upon which the ovary, there began the long discussion as to which element ordinary traSde marts are so delicately,balanced. Our iIn the ovary is responsible for its internal secretion. The ships are our medical journals, while more directly perwork of Fraenkel in 1903 called attention to the sonal transmission of messages is possible through visitors functional importance of the corpus luteum, bothasw a from the profession of one country to that of another. cyclical structure and as the source of a substance which, Many of your distinguished gynaecologists and obstetriin rabbits at least, is essential to the maintenance of cians have brought valued messages to our American gestation in its early stages. The mistake was made, as medical organizations throughout the years, and a number it has been made so many times since then in endocrinoof my American confreres have been honoured, as I now logical investigations, of applying to other animals the